Digital Creator of the Year award

Digital Creator of the Year Award 2024 Finalists

A few exceptional creators stand out for their innovation, impact, and dedication. These finalists for the Digital Creator of the Year award have harnessed their creativity and expertise to drive remarkable success for themselves and their communities. Let’s meet the inspirational individuals who have made it to this year’s shortlist.

Niki Hutchison – Niki Hutchison Limited

Bio: Niki Hutchison is a Marketing Strategist on a mission to help entrepreneurial women succeed in business and achieve financial freedom. She specializes in taking service-based business owners from overlooked to fully booked.

Background: After completing her PostGraduate studies in advertising, Niki worked as a Brand Strategist within top creative agencies in London, Birmingham, and Edinburgh. She transitioned to founding her own business in 2012, followed by her marketing company in 2017. With almost 25 years of experience, Niki has helped thousands of businesses use strategic marketing to achieve remarkable growth. She also serves as a Digital Marketing Trainer for prestigious organizations such as Google and Enterprise Nation.

Why She Deserves to Win: Over the past year, Niki has transformed her content strategy, focusing on LinkedIn and Instagram. Her candid and insightful posts have significantly increased her reach and engagement, landing her in the top 1% of LinkedIn’s Social Selling Index. This visibility led to onboarding her largest agency client to date, showcasing the direct impact of her innovative content strategies. Niki's dedication to simplifying marketing concepts and making them accessible has empowered countless business owners to achieve brilliant results.

Charelle Griffith –

Bio: Charelle Griffith is a Chartered Marketer, award-winning content marketer, blogger, podcaster, and online business owner. She specializes in helping micro and small business owners shine online and attract their dream clients through effective online marketing strategies.

Background: Charelle founded her marketing consulting and training company in 2018. Her journey into online business and marketing began with her initiative, PropelHer, which started as a book club and evolved into a comprehensive support platform for female entrepreneurs. Charelle's expertise and dedication have led to international growth, securing clients across Europe and the USA.

Why She Deserves to Win: Charelle's content consistently provides high value to her audience, evidenced by her blog's performance, which garnered 57,000 views in 2022. Her influence extends beyond the UK, as demonstrated by her growing international client base. Charelle has also been recognized by industry leaders, making the Girls In Marketing Marketers to Watch list and being named a LinkedIn Top Voice. Her content not only supports solopreneurs and small business owners but also opens doors for speaking engagements and collaborative opportunities, further cementing her impact in the digital space.

Livi Arnold – Women in Data®

Bio: With a background in graphic design and marketing, Livi Arnold uses her digital design skills combined with marketing knowledge to educate, engage, and connect audiences online. She has worked in various sectors, from sport to data, and is committed to creating impactful content for new industries.

Background: Livi's journey began with a degree in Graphic Communication & Illustration from Loughborough University. She has held roles that required her to drive significant digital engagement and growth, such as at Loughborough Sport and now Women in Data®. Livi's work includes innovative campaigns like the "Golden Ticket Giveaway" and impactful digital posters on women's rights.

Why She Deserves to Win: Livi's digital content over the past year has achieved nearly 6 million impressions and garnered 32,800 new followers organically. Her commitment to mentoring and sharing her expertise on LinkedIn has positioned her as a LinkedIn Top Social Media Voice. Livi's creative approach to content creation, coupled with her dedication to supporting women in data and tech, makes her a standout digital creator.

Danielle Bayes – Videos Undifficulted

Bio: Danielle Bayes is a former primary school teacher who now helps small business owners and freelancers get visible with short-form videos through her business, Videos Undifficulted. She combines her media studies background and teaching experience to create valuable video content.

Background: Danielle started as a freelance social media manager before realizing the high demand for her video skills. She founded Videos Undifficulted in 2019, focusing on helping other mums in business get visible through video content. Her tutorials, primarily shared on TikTok, have built a community of over 47,000 followers.

Why She Deserves to Win: Danielle's commitment to creating valuable and accessible video tutorials has had a significant impact on her community. Her focus on practical, no-fluff content has resonated with small business owners, helping them leverage video to grow their businesses. Despite numerous offers from brands, Danielle prioritizes her community's trust and value, maintaining her integrity and focus on educational content.

Michelle Stead – Shell Creative VA

Bio: Michelle Stead, known as Shell, is a Creative Virtual Assistant and Canva Designer. She supports female entrepreneurs by providing Canva design services, online training, mentoring, and running the Canva Cafe Facebook community.

Background: Michelle transitioned from a variety of admin roles to starting her own Virtual Assistant business in 2018. In 2022, she rebranded as a Creative Virtual Assistant with a niche in Canva design. Her business has since thrived, offering design services and training to clients worldwide.

Why She Deserves to Win: Michelle's innovative approach to Canva design has led to significant achievements for her clients, such as securing six-figure contracts and creating high-impact presentations. Her Facebook community, the Canva Cafe, has grown to 4.6k members, and her online courses and mentoring programs have been well-received. Michelle's dedication to empowering others through design and her continuous efforts to provide valuable resources make her a deserving finalist.

These digital creators have shown exceptional creativity, innovation, and dedication in their respective fields. Their contributions have not only driven their own success but also empowered their communities, making them all worthy contenders for the Digital Creator of the Year award. Stay tuned to see who takes home the prize!

The Digital Women Awards are proud to celebrate these extraordinary individuals.

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