Celebrating Digital Women for Good: Meet the 20 Women Driving Positive Change in 2024

Digital Women for Good 2024 Finalists

The Digital Women for Good Award celebrates the remarkable contributions of women in the digital space who are making a significant positive impact on society. This year, we received an unprecedented number of entries, showcasing the incredible talent and dedication of women from all corners of the globe. The category is too important not to celebrate as many of these fantastic women as possible. Hence, we have decided to present a long shortlist this year, highlighting 20 outstanding women who have excelled in their fields and driven meaningful change through their digital initiatives.

Helen Hill

Company: Be The Future IMMERS[ED] & UnlikelyGenius

About: Helen Hill is a seasoned professional in design and education, co-leading Be The Future IMMERS[ED] & UnlikelyGenius. She has dedicated her career to creating engaging educational content that integrates digital tools to address critical issues such as climate change. Helen’s work is characterised by her innovative approach to combining immersive learning experiences with practical sustainability education.

Reason for Shortlisting: Helen’s impactful work in climate change education through digital platforms demonstrates her ability to drive meaningful change. Her innovative methods and dedication to creating a better future for the next generation make her a standout candidate.

Priya Guliani

Company: EarthID

About: Priya Guliani is the driving force behind EarthID, a company focused on providing secure and inclusive digital identity solutions. Her work addresses the critical need for secure digital identities, which are essential for access to services and participation in the digital economy. Priya’s leadership has propelled EarthID to the forefront of digital identity innovation.

Reason for Shortlisting: Priya’s innovative solutions in the realm of digital identity significantly contribute to social inclusion and security. Her work ensures that vulnerable populations have access to essential services, showcasing her commitment to digital equity.

Catherine Castillo

Company: Codertal, Supertap, Machine Ventures, mykuya

About: Catherine Castillo is a serial entrepreneur involved in multiple tech startups. Her ventures include Codertal, Supertap, Machine Ventures, and mykuya, each addressing different technological and social challenges. Catherine’s entrepreneurial spirit and ability to drive technological innovation are evident in the success and impact of her startups.

Reason for Shortlisting: Catherine’s diverse range of tech initiatives highlights her versatility and commitment to solving real-world problems through technology. Her leadership and innovative solutions across various sectors make her a key figure in the digital space.

Tania Gerard

Company: Tania Gerard Digital

About: Tania Gerard is a digital strategist known for her expertise in passionately leading workshops focused on promoting neurodiversity in the workplace. Tania has implemented cutting-edge digital strategies to drive her mission forward, utilising digital marketing techniques honed from her previous career to amplify her message and reach a wider audience.

Reason for Shortlisting: Tania’s exceptional skills in digital marketing and her track record of driving business growth through innovative strategies underscore her impact. Her expertise and forward-thinking approach make her a leader in digital marketing.

Laura Potter

Company: Laura Potter Communications

About: Laura Potter is an award-winning freelancer with over a decade of experience in digital communications. She specialises in creating compelling digital content and strategies that engage audiences and drive results. Laura’s work spans various industries, showcasing her adaptability and expertise in digital communications.

Reason for Shortlisting: Laura’s impressive achievements in digital communications and her ability to craft impactful campaigns demonstrate her excellence in the field. Her award-winning work and dedication to digital innovation make her a deserving candidate.

Eleni Zervos

Company: Ethos Atlas

About: Eleni Zervos is a pioneer in creating digital platforms that promote ethical practices and sustainability. Through her company, Ethos Atlas, Eleni develops tools that help businesses and individuals make more sustainable choices. Her work is at the intersection of technology and ethics, driving positive change in the digital world.

Reason for Shortlisting: Eleni’s commitment to sustainability and her innovative digital platforms that encourage ethical practices highlight her impact. Her work not only promotes sustainable choices but also educates and inspires others to do the same.

Emma Grant

Company: Manchester Digital

About: Emma Grant is a prominent figure at Manchester Digital, where she works to foster digital innovation and support the local tech community. Her efforts include organising events, providing resources, and advocating for digital skills development. Emma’s work has significantly contributed to the growth of Manchester’s digital sector.

Reason for Shortlisting: Emma’s dedication to community involvement and her leadership in promoting digital innovation within her community make her a notable candidate. Her efforts have helped build a robust and inclusive digital ecosystem in Manchester.

Velveeta Viban

Company: I'm Human Organisation

About: Velveeta Viban is an advocate for human rights, using digital platforms to amplify her message and reach a global audience. Through the I’m Human Organisation, she works tirelessly to promote human dignity and equality. Velveeta’s digital initiatives focus on education, awareness, and advocacy.

Reason for Shortlisting: Velveeta’s impactful use of digital platforms to advocate for human rights and her innovative approach to raising awareness highlight her significant contributions. Her work exemplifies the power of digital tools in driving social change.

Karen Thatcher

Company: Thatch Creative

About: Karen Thatcher transitioned from a nursing background to become a Freelance Creative and Communications Specialist. She brings a unique perspective to her work, blending her healthcare experience with creative skills to develop impactful communication strategies. Karen’s work focuses on creating meaningful and engaging content.

Reason for Shortlisting: Karen’s innovative approach to combining healthcare knowledge with digital communications makes her a standout candidate. Her ability to craft compelling narratives that drive engagement and impact sets her apart in the industry.

Livi Arnold

Company: Women in Data

About: Livi Arnold is a passionate advocate for women in the data industry. At Women in Data, she works to create more inclusive opportunities and support for women in tech. Livi’s initiatives include mentoring programmes, workshops, and advocacy efforts aimed at breaking down barriers for women in data.

Reason for Shortlisting: Livi’s commitment to fostering inclusivity in the tech industry and her innovative programmes to support women in data demonstrate her significant impact. Her work is vital in creating a more equitable tech landscape.

Victoria Marie

Company: GetYourBellyOut Community Interest Company

About: Victoria Marie is dedicated to raising awareness about health issues, particularly in the realm of digestive health. She uses digital platforms to support her community, providing resources, education, and advocacy through GetYourBellyOut.

Reason for Shortlisting: Victoria’s impactful digital initiatives in the health sector and her dedication to supporting her community highlight her contributions. Her work provides essential support and education to those affected by digestive health issues.

Ellie Denney

Company: The Marketing Den

About: Ellie Denney is a marketing professional known for her creative strategies and successful campaigns. At The Marketing Den, she leads a team that delivers innovative marketing solutions for a variety of clients, helping businesses achieve their goals through effective digital marketing.

Reason for Shortlisting: Ellie’s achievements in digital marketing and her creative approach to campaign strategies demonstrate her expertise and impact. Her work has significantly contributed to the success of her clients and the growth of her company.

Shelley Langan-Newton

Company: SQR

About: Shelley Langan-Newton is a digital strategist who has played a key role in implementing successful digital transformations. Her work at SQR focuses on helping businesses navigate the complexities of digital change and achieve their strategic goals.

Reason for Shortlisting: Shelley’s leadership in digital transformation projects and her ability to drive impactful change make her a notable candidate. Her strategic vision and expertise in digital transformation set her apart.

Sym Jaj

Company: Unlimit

About: Sym Jaj is an advocate for digital accessibility, working to ensure that digital platforms are inclusive for all users. Through her work at Unlimit, she develops tools and strategies that enhance digital accessibility and usability.

Reason for Shortlisting: Sym’s dedication to digital accessibility and her innovative solutions for inclusivity highlight her importance in the digital space. Her work ensures that digital platforms are accessible to everyone, promoting inclusivity and equality.

Fi Williams

Company: Fife Council

About: Fi Williams is a digital strategist working within the public sector to implement impactful digital solutions. Her work at Fife Council involves developing and executing digital strategies that improve public services and community engagement.

Reason for Shortlisting: Fi’s innovative digital strategies in the public sector and her commitment to community involvement make her a deserving candidate. Her efforts have led to significant improvements in public service delivery and engagement.

Kitty Bushell

Company: Sleeping Giant Media

About: Kitty Bushell is a digital marketing expert known for her creative campaigns and successful marketing strategies. At Sleeping Giant Media, she leads initiatives that help businesses grow their online presence and achieve their marketing goals.

Reason for Shortlisting: Kitty’s creative approach to digital marketing and her significant achievements in the field highlight her impact. Her work has driven substantial results for her clients and showcases her expertise in digital marketing.

Lebogang Tisane

Company: African Female Voices

About: Lebogang Tisane is a digital advocate working to amplify the voices of African women through digital platforms. She creates content and initiatives that highlight the experiences and contributions of African women, promoting their visibility and impact.

Reason for Shortlisting: Lebogang’s commitment to amplifying marginalised voices and her impactful digital initiatives make her a key influencer. Her work ensures that African women’s stories and achievements are heard and celebrated.

Sarah Masud

About: Sarah Masud is a passionate advocate for digital literacy and education. She uses her platform to promote inclusivity in the digital space and works tirelessly to provide resources and opportunities for underrepresented communities.

Reason for Shortlisting: Sarah’s dedication to digital literacy and her innovative educational initiatives highlight her contributions. Her efforts to promote inclusivity and provide digital education to marginalised communities make her a vital force in the digital world.

Houriya Hussain Altaheri

About: Houriya Hussain Altaheri is a digital strategist focused on promoting social good through technology. Her work involves developing digital solutions that address various social issues and enhance community well-being.

Reason for Shortlisting: Houriya’s impactful digital strategies for social good and her innovative use of technology to address social challenges make her a deserving candidate. Her work exemplifies the positive impact that digital tools can have on society.

Tinevimbo Matambanadzo

About: Tinevimbo Matambanadzo is a digital advocate who uses her platform to promote positive change and support community initiatives. Her work focuses on leveraging digital tools to drive social impact and empower communities.

Reason for Shortlisting: Tinevimbo’s dedication to community support through digital initiatives and her innovative approaches to using technology for social good highlight her contributions. Her efforts have made a significant difference in the lives of many.

The Digital Women for Good Award shines a light on the incredible achievements of women who use digital technology to make a positive difference in the world. This long shortlist celebrates the diversity, creativity, and dedication of these outstanding women. We are thrilled to recognise their contributions and look forward to celebrating their continued success and impact.

These 20 women exemplify the power of digital and its potential to drive meaningful change. Their work not only advances their respective fields but also inspires others to harness the power of digital technology for the greater good. We congratulate all the shortlisted candidates and wish them continued success.

The Digital Women Awards are proud to celebrate these extraordinary individuals.

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