Celebrating Copywriter of the Year: Finalists

Copywriter of The Year 2024

We are thrilled to present the finalists for the Copywriter of the Year category in the Digital Women Awards. These talented individuals have demonstrated exceptional skills in creating compelling and impactful content across various platforms. Let's meet the finalists and learn about their achievements.

Kate Dyson - Kate Dyson

Having recently pivoted her career over the last two years, Kate has transitioned from creating and managing women-centric communities to writing about women's health as a freelance copywriter and content marketer. She focuses on making information about women's health accessible and helping women find solutions that are right for them, especially in light of the current issues with women's health in the NHS.

Reason for Shortlisting:
Kate has tackled taboo topics and translated complex medical research into digestible content. Her work has resulted in high engagement, with content emails achieving click-through rates between 10% to 28%. Despite personal challenges, including battling Stage 4 Endometriosis, she has driven significant revenue for her clients and empowered women to articulate their health concerns.

Ashley Fauguel - 10 Design

Ashley is a seasoned professional with over a decade of experience in marketing and communications within the built environment sector. She is passionate about creativity and collaborates closely with senior leadership and business development teams to devise and execute targeted strategies.

Reason for Shortlisting:
Ashley has successfully led a full brand refresh across her firm following a merger and has implemented various initiatives to integrate teams and boost engagement. Her efforts have resulted in an 80% increase in LinkedIn impressions and a significant rise in engagement. She has also introduced thought leadership strategies and secured numerous media placements for her firm.

Kitty Bushell - Sleeping Giant Media

Kitty is a creative copywriter with a passion for empowering others through knowledge sharing. Starting as a Content Executive in 2021, she quickly advanced to become a Junior Creative Lead, embracing innovation with entities and generative AI.

Reason for Shortlisting:
Kitty has consistently innovated, creating pioneering web content using entity analysis and integrating AI into content marketing workflows. She has also collaborated with thought leaders to devise unique strategies, leading to content that has been recognised in the European Search and Content Awards. Her commitment to sharing knowledge through webinars and other platforms sets her apart.

Erin Heenan - Elevate Award Writing Services

Erin is a copywriter for a global healthcare business, supporting 25 organisations in creating engaging content and maintaining brand tone. She also runs a successful side hustle, specialising in award writing.

Reason for Shortlisting:
Erin has helped numerous clients win prestigious awards, such as the King's Award for Sustainable Development and Environmental Social Enterprise of the Year. Her ability to craft compelling narratives has significantly raised the profile of her clients, resulting in increased brand awareness and recognition.

Mel Barfield - Freelance

Mel is a freelance copywriter, event speaker, qualified careers advisor, and co-host of the Indie Business Club podcast. She is passionate about supporting creatives and raising the profile of copywriting.

Reason for Shortlisting:
Mel has focused on championing the skill of copywriting amidst the rise of AI tools. She has co-created a podcast to support creatives, delivered free online workshops, and actively participated in events to promote the value of copywriting. Her dedication to her clients has been instrumental in their brand-building and storytelling efforts.

Alice Bell - We Can

Alice is a brand and communications strategist who helps businesses tell their stories and communicate their value to customers. She works with brands to define their purpose and create resonant messaging.

Reason for Shortlisting:
Alice consistently pushes the importance of meaning and storytelling in branding projects. Her focus on narrative ensures that her clients' brands have a significant impact and resonance with their audiences.

Tilly Lander Williams - Moor Heart Copy

Tilly is the founder of Moor Heart Copy, specialising in case studies, web copy, biographies, and emails. She is passionate about storytelling and helping purpose-led businesses attract their ideal clients.

Reason for Shortlisting:
Tilly has successfully grown her copywriting business despite personal, financial, and health challenges. Her clients praise her for her beautiful writing and the positive impact her work has on their businesses. She has expanded her services to include digital products and coaching, demonstrating her versatility and commitment to helping others.

Suzanne Frear - Suzanne Frear Creative Copywriting

After working in international finance for over 11 years, Suzanne set up her own creative copywriting business in 2022. She balances her career with being a mother and is passionate about writing.

Reason for Shortlisting:
Suzanne inspires her clients and her daughter by pursuing her dream job. Her ability to do what she loves while being present for her children is a testament to her dedication and skill. Her clients benefit from her enthusiasm and expertise in creative copywriting.

These finalists for the Copywriter of the Year category have shown remarkable talent, dedication, and innovation in their field. Their ability to craft compelling narratives and deliver impactful content has not only helped their clients succeed but also advanced the craft of copywriting.

We celebrate their achievements and look forward to seeing their continued success in the industry.

The Digital Women Awards are proud to celebrate these extraordinary individuals.

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